​​​ Donations can be

mailed to:

 Fragile X Association of Michigan

 P.O. Box 1414

 Troy, MI 48099-1414

 Make checks payable to: FXAM

Be sure to check us out on Facebook 

Fragile X Association of Michigan

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The Fragile X Association of Michigan is a National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF) Community Partner. The NFXF website is loaded with all the medical and technical information you need.  (click on the logo above to go to the NFXF website). 

Welcome to the Fragile X Association of Michigan

Our next support meeting is Saturday, February 1, 2025.

Go to our Support Page for more information.

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition that causes varying degrees of mental impairment ranging from mild learning disabilities to mental retardation (cognitive impairment).  FXS is the most common inherited form of cognitive impairment known and a leading known cause of autism.  FXS is caused by one gene that interferes with the formation of a special protein normally found in the brain.  As many as one in 151 women and one in 468 men are carriers of this gene, and it affects one in 3,600  to 4,000 boys and one in 4,000 to 6,000 girls.

Some characteristics (not all are always present) of Fragile X Syndrome are:

  • Mild learning problems to severe cognitive impairment
  • Behavior issues such as ADHD and ADD
  • Autistic-like features such as poor social skills, poor eye contact, hand-biting and hand-flapping
  • Shyness and social anxiety
  • Prominent ears, prominent forehead and long narrow face
  • Sensitivity to sounds or lights
  • Difficulty adjusting to change

Some older adults with premutations (carriers) may develop a neurological condition called Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Often misdiagnosed as a "Parkinson's-like" condition, individuals may also have symptoms of ataxia, neuropathy and dementia. Fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI), commonly causes early menopause, is a condition that affects 20-25% of the female FXS carrier population. Learn more on our Resources page. 

The Fragile X Clinic at the University of Michigan

Genetic Counselor Jessica O'Shea is joining the UM Fragile X Clinic to serve as the Fragile X Clinic Coordinator. Appointments for evaluation for Fragile X Syndrome in the UM Fragile X Clinic will be available starting Summer of 2024.

Appointments can be scheduled in the UM Fragile X Clinic by requesting a referral from your child’s primary care physician or another specialist who follows them.
More information is available by calling 734-764-0579.
Ask to speak with Jessica for more information about the clinic.

For appointments for those affected by FXTAS, you'll still call the East Ann Arbor Health and Geriatrics Center at 734-647-5670.

                      Ask for an appointment with Dr. Peter Todd in the Ataxia Clinic. 

 Rush University Fragile X Syndrome Clinic


Cincinnati Fragile X Research and Treatment Center


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 The Fragile X Association of Michigan (FXAM)
unites the Fragile X community to:​

  • Enrich lives through educational and emotional support.
  • Promote public and professional awareness. 
  • Advance research toward improved treatments and a cure for Fragile X and it's associated disorders. 


Who we are, check out our video  HERE.

The Best Club You Never Wanted to Join

 The  History of the Fragile X Association of Michigan (FXAM).  

​​​​​​​​Upcoming Events
Save the Date! 

November 2, 2024
FXAM Moms:
Let's Do Lunch!

 ​​ Go to our Events Page 
for more information

Past Events

​August 2024
 FXAM Family Picnic

Awareness Day
July 25-28, 2024
19th International
Fragile X Conference

July 22, 2023
World Fragile X

Awareness Day

May 24, 2024
Fragile X Awareness
at Comerica Park

February 26-27, 2024
Advocacy Day

December 2, 2023
FXAM Holiday Party

September 23, 2023
Father and Son
Picnic and Playday

August 26, 2023
FXAM Family Picnic

July 22, 2023
World Fragile X Awareness Day at Comerica Park

May 6, 2023
Mom's: Let's Do Lunch!

April 22, 2023
Spring Clean Up

February 27-28, 2023
Advocacy Day

October 22, 2022
FXAM Father and Son Picnic/Play Day

August 13, 2022
FXAM Family Picnic
July 22, 2022
World Fragile X 
Awareness Day

July 16, 2022
FXAM Moms:
Let's Do Lunch!

July 14-17, 2022
18th International
Fragile X Conference
San Diego, California​​