Kyle Laske, Kenneth Chesney Jr. and Michelle Laske
Austin Nantais with his sister-in-law Angela having some fun tubing - summer 2009.
The Nantais Family - Austin, Sally, Natalie, Jerry and Genevieve.
Andrew Langan Coutilish & Kyle Laske watching a DVD at the 2008 FXAM Holiday Party @ Andrew's house.
Andrew Langan Coutilish & Aunt Therese swinging at the 2008 FXAM Family Picnic (after the annual Fun Run / Walk)
Hayden Makris and his Dad Mike at the go-carts in Disneyland
The Price Family at Advocacy Day, March 2, 2011
A Day At A Time
Our Fragile X Journey - They may live in Texas now, but they still have Michigan roots!
The Fragile X Association of Michigan is here to support all the families affected by a Fragile X-associated Disorder. If you have a photo of you and your family that you would like to share, please email it to Sally Nantais and put "Our Family Photo" in the subject line. Please include a caption of the activity or event.
(If possible, keep photos around 500k in size)
We want this page to be a place to share all the fun and exciting things Our Families do and to show that even with a diagnosis of Fragile X - life doesn't stop and families can still experience all the joys and happiness of life.